Thursday, December 8, 2011

Manipulatinon of Time


                 Illusion of Time
The artist Bill Viola does a wonderful job with manipulating motion and time. For me I always thought that time is just an illusion of the human mind so it can be manipulated. If we go to Webster’s definition though, time is not something that can be tempered.  I do believe that since it’s an illusion, Viola was able to use it to how he wanted audience to see it. In his work, Ocean without a shore, he displays a person who to the eyes transforms slowly but to time, ages instantly. The video starts off with a plumb and young looking person, whose body suddenly starts to leak of water and as this process takes place, life looks to be drying out of her. As this takes place, the person the person’s face gets slimmer and older. This is way to make time move in your own way without interrupting anyone else.  Even though in the natural sense, gets older only when time passes soon, he plays it to the point that in the eyes time is slow but yet the outcome displays the opposite. The way he manipulates time is like playing a trick with the mind and the eyes. Both of them do not relate what they see.

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